Monday, May 2, 2011

The Death of Osama Bin Laden

News of the death of Osama bin Laden has just been leaked  and the Western world is making  merry  today as they have celebrated never before. Many close allies of the United States of America around the globe  are calling to congratulate the President Obama today that after the hard work of around ten years, they have managed  to kill their worst enemy.

The Prime Minister of Great Britain, David Cameron has stated that this will bring contentment to the people around the world. Osama bin Laden was responsible for one of the most horrible terrorist attack in the whole history of the World, which is today remembered as the attacks of 9/11.

Thousands of lives were lost on that dreadful day when two hijacked planes struck in the New York city, the world trade center. The western world is celebrating today as the death of their worst enemy. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said that the death of this terrorist is a extremely large victory for the justice and freedom around the world.

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