Thursday, April 28, 2011

Transgender Marriage Will Be Banned In Texas

Transgender Marriage Will Be Banned in Texas
Transgender Marriage, Governor of Texas , Rick Perry said in a statement recently that he never wanted to sign the bill which allowed transgender to marry because this bill has brought moral values of American people to grounds. “Marriage is a relationship between a man and a woman and the natural way of living to extend their generation and the meet the needs of each other” he explained his openion.

Trend of Transgender marriages is increasing in American people. Most of the American are taking the issue of increase in transgender marriages across America as a negative aspect of American culture. No doubt that we are spending an ideal life in the world, but our social and economical freedom is pushing our inhabitants to the limits from where they can easily cross boundaries of morality.

In this situation, efforts have started in Texas State to turn the view of public against transgender marriages. Transgender people can marry opposite sex’ spouses in current situation but the new law, which is going to be imposed, will stop them to marry – existing marriages of transgender category will also become canceled as a result of it.

Two year ago, a terms was declared in a passed larger bill of state which had allowed transgender people to marry. They had to proof their sex for authorizing their marriage. The provision made at that time had support of Republican legislators; however, now they have changed their view as some legislators have said that it was a big blunder what came from their side.

Other important people of Texas, such as Tommy Williams, have also supported the stand of Rick Perry but they want puzzlement to be removed.



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