Friday, March 4, 2011

Defriend Day

According to Mark Dice, today, March 4, 2011, is Defriend Day on Facebook.

Dice released a video today speaking about the truth that most people have dozens, sometimes hundreds of “friends” on their Facebook list who aren’t really their friends, or even an acquaintance or anyone they are ever even going to see in real life ever again.

Dice Statement;

“A lot of the “friends” on people’s “friends” list are, in fact, total strangers who they met once and who happened to send them a friend request for any number of reasons.   Of course, you didn’t want to be rude and “deny” most of these friend requests.  After all, you have several mutual “friends” with these people, as Facebook conveniently points out to you.”

It may be a good idea to ‘trim the fat’, so to speak, on your friends list every so often as you choose, but is Facebook only used for personal reasons? Many people use Facebook as a business tool to network with others in their related field, and have extended their friends list to include current and future business links, which too couldn’t hurt to be sorted through.

Take care when Defriending your list. If you don’t recognize their face or name, you probably won’t be sending them a poke or message any time soon.



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