Thursday, April 7, 2011

Wisconsin News , New Hopes For State Union Workers

Costly battle of politics over Wisconsin’s Supreme Court is heating up; it was listened that the battle was going to be over by Wednesday because Tuesday was the day of elections. Voters had come to polls in large numbers. But the battle was very close till the end of vote counting; results have not come according to their prediction.

Elections were given big coverage by media because the battle of budget had divided Wisconsin. Earlier, Wisconsin had avoided voting due to advice of Senate Democrats; their criticism had politicised the issue and the issue could only be settled after consensus with state union workers. Fulfilment of quorum was essential for legitimization of vote; therefore senators of Republican frozen all fiscal parts of bills. It was the repair bill of budget which directly linked with state union workers. Democrats had to sue Republicans for the reason that their action was in violation of state’s law.

Senate Democrats joined Senate Republicans on Tuesday for the first time since their walkout; they joined them so that the fiscal part of bill could be passed. Republicans agreed with Democrats to compensate the shortfall of $137 million in budget of state. Wednesday was the day when government turned the bill into a law. It was stated on behalf of senators that their talk was made for implementation of a balanced budget.

Earlier thousands of protesters had come into capital of state for their rights. They wanted the highest court’s contested seat to be filled by a competitive person.



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