Thursday, June 2, 2011


The fertility doctor who facilitated Nadya Suleman become the “Octomom” has had his medical license canceled by California officials. The state medical board said the move would defend the public. Dr. Michael Kamrava gave repeated in vitro treatments to Nadya Suleman to help her become a mother of 14 babies. After widespread anger over the January 2009 births, the state launched an survey into Kamrava’s practice.

The Medical Board of California made the statement today -- ruling “Dr. Michael Kamrava  did not exercise sound judgment" when he implanted the large number of embryos inside Nadya Suleman back in 2008.

The attorney general’s office accused Dr. Kamrava of being disgustingly neglectful in his treatment of Suleman.

The Medical Board released a statement -- claiming, “The board is not confident that mistake through probation is enough, and having weighed the above, has decided that revocation of respondent’s certificate is necessary to protect the public.”

The revocation takes effect July First, 2011.



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