Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Maria Shriver and Arnold Schwarzenegger Separated


Hollywood super star, former California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and wife Maria Shriver have separated after the 25-years of their marriage.

“This has been a time of great personal and professional changeover for each of us,” the couple said in a joint declaration released Monday night.

“After a great deal of thought, discussion and prayer, we came to this conclusion together. At this time, we are going to live separately while we work on the future of our relationship.”

The couple have celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary on April 26, and have four children, of ages from 14 to 21.

“We are continuing to parent … together. They are the light and the heart of both of our lives. We think this a private matter and neither we nor any of our friends or family will have further comment,” the statement continued. “We ask for sympathy and respect from the media and the public.”

Schwarzenegger’s spokesman Daniel Ketchell did not answer any further questions after giving the statement.

The separated lovebirds were introduced to one another at a charity tennis tournament in 1977. They married in 1986, and remained media darlings for their celebrity pedigrees: Schwarzenegger, the Pumping Iron bodybuilder who turned to a top of the list actor, and Shriver, the pretty NBC News star born into America’s royal family, the Kennedy (her mother was the late Eunice Kennedy Shriver).



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