Saturday, May 7, 2011

Lady Gaga Judas Music Video

Video of Lady GaGa’s touchy single ‘Judas’ is highly unbearable from potential’s point of view; though her fans have enjoyed it a lot. This video had been disclosed before its official release. The leak occurred just 11 hours before its official release; due to this Lady GaGa had to start the premier three hours before its concurrent. The giant ringleader super star took help from Laurianne Gibson, Lady GaGa’s personal choreographer, for direction of this video.

In the video, GaGa is Mary Magdalene while Norman Reedus is characterized the Judas. GaGa was telling about her role in music video when she said that she played Mary Magdalene to direct them to meet Jesus; rest of story she keep on us to watch. She stated however that faith should be celebrated and not challenged.

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