Saturday, May 21, 2011


Ginseng has been tagged as a general tonic and as an adaptogen. It is adjudged in "The Complete Guide to Vitamins, Herbs and Supplements," that adaptogens are subject matters which have the power to conform to the body's needs and which influence and normalize the body's systems.

Various Species of Ginseng :

There are many species of the ginseng herb. The mostly  known species of ginseng are Siberian ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus), American ginseng (Panax quinquefolium), Chinese or Korean ginseng (Panax ginseng), and Japanese ginseng (Panax japonicum). The most popular form of ginseng is Chinese ginseng.

Ginseng was precious More Than Gold in Ancient age of  China:

Ginseng is said to have been precious since the beginning of written history by, ginseng. In fact in the Qing Dynasty of ancient China, ginseng is said to have been precious more than gold. And so ginseng is the most noted of all Chinese herbal medicines.

It takes about six years for ginseng to ripe. Ginseng is difficult and high-priced to grow. The value of ginseng is placed in its stained root where there is a complex mixture of carbohydrate compounds, nitrogenous compounds, fat-soluble compounds, vitamins and minerals are stored.

The powers of ginseng to cure many ailments is unparalleled because of the manner in which this herb affects the full body. Ginseng is also be a powerful immune system tonic by many researchers.

The NCCAM, National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, in the United States, reports on many uses of ginseng. Traditional and modern uses of ginseng have included "improving the health of people recovering from illness, increasing a sense of well-being and stamina, and improving both mental and physical performance, treating erectile dysfunction, hepatitis C, and symptoms related to climacteric, and lowering blood glucose and controlling blood pressure".

Ginseng Inhibits Growth of Cancerous Tumors:

There have also been reported that ginseng inhibits the growth of cancerous tumors, helps cure common colds, and works as an aphrodisiac. Both men and women have reported that ginseng has a stimulating effect on their sex drive and improves their sexual performance.

Ginseng also helps you to ingest vitamins and minerals by acting as an endocrine gland stimulant. Ancient wisdom and modern research point to the remarkable medicinal properties of ginseng. This golden herb of Chinese medicine is apprehended for its health improving properties worldwide.

However, there are some cautions that should be taken when considering the use of ginseng. The NCCAM has reported the most common side effects of ginseng are headaches and sleep and gastrointestinal problems. Asian ginseng has at times been reported to cause allergic reactions.
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