Saturday, March 12, 2011

Nuclear Reactor

Nuclear Reactor: "Tokyo Electric Power Co said pressure inside the No.1 reactor at its Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear plant has been rising, with the risk of a radiation leak." After the quake hit Japan about 12 hours ago, the plant's cooling system malfunctioned.

NHK World Japan reported that cesium elements have been found around the site (unable to capture audio segment)

Cesium is the material used in control rods.  The Cesium rods control the speed of a reaction adn the temperature of the reactor.

Finding elements of cesium around the reactor is an indication of the start of a primary or core meltdown.

    Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (NISA), the first nuclear power plant damaged by earthquake Toukyoudenryoku Hukuzima East (town Ookuma Fukushima Futaba town) in Unit 1, soluble in hot fuel rods “meltdown” has occurred likely announced.

    According to NISA, No. 1 around the detection of radioactive cesium on NIRS team. Cesium is contained in nuclear fuel rods, because of its high melting point, it is estimated that the likely cause meltdown.

    According to the Safety Agency, said nuclear power plant Unit 1 reactor water level decreased from 12 am. Temporarily exposed surface of the cooling water from nuclear fuel rods were damaged nuclear fuel is a concern.

Melting cesium control rods lead to the overheating and partial meltdown at Three Mile Island (1979) as well as the explosion of the Chernobyl reactor in 1986.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said coolant was being sent to Japan, but it now seems the U.S. actually sent diesel generators to get the water pumps running.



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