Saturday, March 5, 2011

Mardi Gras

Sydney Mardi Gras is world-famous for its bonanza of parties, exhibitions, music, plays, art and literature, all expressing what it means to be gay in modern society. From 2010 Mardi Gras lasts two weeks, punctuated by major events on three successive weekends.
The Sydney Mardi Gras Parade (on 5 March in 2011), which flaunts through the city centre, is one of the most extraordinary street events you are ever likely to see. Thousands of funky floats carry a cast of beautiful drag queens, exotic dancers and tanned muscle men. It is also a truly community-based event that anyone can enjoy, whatever their sexual orientation.

The Parade route begins at Hyde Park, travels up Oxford St and ends at Moore Park Road.

10,000 costumed and flesh-baring participants, spread across 4km and 150 themed floats will parade Oxford Street.Tens of thousands of people line the central Sydney route to watch the parade, many waving rainbow-coloured flags in a symbol of diversity and inclusiveness.

The fabulous Sydney Mardi Gras final-night party is a sell-out celebration which needs to be booked at least a month in advance. The assembled masses rave the night away on sweaty dance floors in various different venues as the city comes together for a night of excess. As the lights flash and the music throbs, oppression and prejudice seem a world away. Check the New Mardi Gras website for full programme details.



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