Sunday, March 6, 2011

Florida Panther

Florida Panther, A study to if he is in the east of the east 21 of America has confirmed cougars contains within itself for a long time in the Spanish and persuaded a Felis they burned the country. In fact, no I have not seen cougars, but the people that have been in some or fled, various pets, or perhaps a considerable western cougars in the eastern U.S., according to a new report and the federal Fish Wildlife Service.

Of the fish and the discoveries of Wildlife Service’s cougar rankled by the frenzied and the east.
But in diameter, but the service of the four year and was to review at all. 600 about the princes of scientific information from the responses of a bed I ask, and he sought information from the city of Wildlife agents for the meals. There is no argument, he shows the native cougar for the rest, and the office of it is said.

We have the confidence, to the eastern cougar being put out, he says Martin Miller, but with fish and Wildlife Service’s endangered species of the princes in the northeastern U.S.

Cougar of the East as it were still in a lot of Florida, or in the west. Tawny in color, the future of the east cougar EATEN UP more than the weight of the 100 most of all in the word ‘White-tailed deer. One cited the fame of fish and Wildlife Service said the eastern cougar with a long tail on her grandchild would be than the West. Animals lived the east, from Maine to Florida and in the Midwest.

In South Carolina, they say cougar sightings habitually Department of the state of natural resources by the year. There are certain ones sightings yellow or ashen the mountain was like a lion Felis the western U.S. In the other cases, the department hears from a black panthers, which are native to South America. But in diameter Agency frequently as other animals, but not always.

4 years ago from the U.S. Forest Service Ranger said a black panther and I drove him in the Chattooga river of Georgia-South Carolina border. Subsequently, 2007, the princes of Clemson University received the report of a great Felis ROAMING AROUND of the fields.

Patrick McMillan, from the professor of the University of Clemson, who will put together a great film out of the cats, he says, belongs to the East; with the service they are not the conclusions of the state of the east cougars.

However, McMillan said he’s sure to cougars a wild beast, or both of West Florida U.S. shall do this to the way of the cities of South Carolina – if they do not it has already arrived. Florida panthers, which are endangered, increased in late will keep range of men enlarge the future. McMillan has been said cougars may adept urban areas is easy.

I think that if it is necessary that we may have, as a native species of cougars Carolina, McMillan has been said.

Miller, of the fishes $ Wildlife Service has been said may be difficult to separated the number of cougars to live, partly because it is not deriving from the genetic diversity of a defect in the birth not to the offspring.

Cougars, which also Puma, panthers or mountain lions come to life until in South Carolina into the pit of 19th century, with the colonists on the ship, began to the woods to hunt a great Felis. They seemed to animals is rivalry plagues said he was. Through their unpopularity of the east and the loss of lives had been lost to go cougar made the fishes, and Wildlife Service remains years.

Questions: a continued, or wild beast is a cougar in the east, fish, and Wildlife Services in 2007 launched a review.

The conclusion of the East’s ministry of the cougars they burned it will move the middle it is an animal de-listed from the Federal endangered species of the Act. The public will have a comment it so happens that disagrees with the conclusions of the worship of those who can be heard. The species of endangered ads an act outside the Federal garrison, which it is less layers, can be explained the property.

“We acknowledge, I have seen many a fierce cougars within the historical range of the Eastern cougar, has been said Miller.” We, however, not to trust the cougar cougars Subspecies of the east. We have found the administrator of the eastern cougar to be to receive.



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