Sunday, March 13, 2011

Daniel Radcliffe

Daniel Radcliffe, Harry Potter actor Daniel Radcliffe will appear on CBS Sunday Morning this weekend to talk about his career, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and its future plans on Broadway.

Sunday Morning on CBS, Katie Couric interviews Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe, who speaks of his time on all the Harry Potter films, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2, and its involvement in the revival of the 50th anniversary of How succeed in business without really trying, which opens on Broadway March 27.

When asked if Daniel Radcliffe felt he was robbed of his childhood because of the Harry Potter movies, Radcliffe reveals he did not feel that way. “No, I do not feel in any way stolen,” said Radcliffe, “because the thing is growing on these sets, you were still allowed to be a child. You could go out with a lot more running and playing games on a film set as you can in school. ”

Discover the full interview with Daniel Radcliffe when she appears on CBS Sunday Morning at 09:30 on March 13.

Daniel Radcliffe is not the hunk that plays first J. Pierrepont Finch in “How to Succeed” on Broadway.

“I used to sneak out the back door of the night,” said Robert Morse, who created the role in, won a Tony (best actor in a muscial) for her, and then to play in film version of 1967.

But Daniel Radcliffe is likely to sneak through the window! “Says Morse, whose signature dimpled smile and his toothless sent girls fainted in his time.

Morse currently stars Bert Cooper, the megalomaniacal leader of Sterling Cooper Pryce Draper on “Mad Men”. The role of ad agency is a nod to his role as Finch in “How to Succeed.” In the musical, Finch begins as a window washer and climbs the ranks to become skilful chairman of the board of directors of the Company World Wide Wickets, an advertising agency. The show itself is a satire on the sweet world of marketing.

“I know that [the writer Mad Men" and producer] Matthew Weiner wanted me for the role because he remembered me in “How to succeed,” said Morse, who recalls the experience of deja vu when he made his first not on the “Mad Men” ensemble. “When I saw the rows of desks and typewriters and all the rest of that period I started to go up and down the aisles singing songs from” How to Succeed. “You can not believe how similar it is.”

He hopes to catch the Broadway revival soon, but wants to give players time to settle into their roles.

“I am very pleased with this production. It fills me with joy that’s what they do, and I think Radcliffe is an amazing talent. I know when I see him I will look at the scene and said to myself, ‘How the hell did I ever do that? ” And tears will probably roll over my face. “



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