Wednesday, January 12, 2011


NYC DOE, The SIGNING of recent years, a comprehensive information system (GIS) technology license agreement with ESRI website of the New York City Department of Education (DOE) to expand its use of ArcGIS software for a number of applications mission critical.

“With 135,000 employees and more than 1,600 facilities, a system that collects andanlyzes data efficiently is critical to our mission. SRG will be a long way in helping our schools to manage a huge amount of data, and we delighted with the initiative, “said Ted Brodheim, news director at New York Department of Education.

Geographical science and spatialanlysis will add value to critical business systems maintained by the DOE, for its directors to understand their business challenges better, make effective decisions, to function effectively and clearly communicate their decisions.

An early example of success is a newly revised Web application available to the public. Based on ESRI’s ArcGIS system, DOE IT group recently published an update of its popular search tool that school now receives over 5,000 visits per day. Provide a detailed map of each school as well as descriptive information and links to maps of New York public transport, demand has proved very popular with high school students and their parents. A new application for the IT group is planning and optimization of bus transportation for students with special needs. Future applications include facilities management, school safety for students /, demographics and capital planning.

In the future, the district working to integrate the teaching of GIS in the classroom. “Using GIS, students in all grades can explore andanlyze the world, the integration of information, concepts and skills in all disciplines,” says Charlie Fitzpatrick, ESRI director of the K-12 schools. “Whether looking around the world or focusing on their own block, GISanlysis shows trends and relationships that make up their world. Strengthening the powers of the twenty-first century establishes the possibility of their personal future and contributes to their community today. “



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