Friday, January 21, 2011

Laura Vikmanis

Laura Vikmanis : When NFL cheerleader Laura Vikmanis was at a football game three years ago, she watched the cheerleaders and decided to try out. 39 years of age at the time, she made it all the way to the finals before being cut. However Laura Vikmanis was determined, and through a rigorous health and fitness campaign, Laura Vikmanis just completed her second year as a member of the Cincinnati Ben-Gals cheerleaders squad.

Laura Vikmanis, now 42 and born on Sept. 10, 1969, dedicated herself to her health and fitness in order to reach her goal as a cheerleader for the Cincinnati Ben-Gals cheerleaders squad. A graduate of Cal State-Long Beach and majoring in dietetics and food administration, Laura Vikmanis has focused on health and fitness throughout her adult life, choosing a career as a registered dietician and certified personal trainer.

To give you some perspective on focused how Laura Vikmanis is on health and fitness, her listed favorite activities on the Cincinnati Bengals website are dancing, running and weight training. Laura Vikmanis clearly practices what she preaches.

Laura Vikmanis also has two young daughters, 14 and 12, who think having a cheerleader Mom is pretty cool.

To further represent her health and fitness devotion, Laura Vikmanis also lists her favorite book as The End of Overeating, Taking Control of the Insatiable American Appetite, by author Dr. David Kessler.

In an interview with Yahoo, Tara Wilson, captain for the Cincinnati Ben-Gals cheerleaders squad, said that Laura Vikmanis was a model for all of the other cheerleaders to follow, and that her dedication to health and fitness serves as inspiration for girls 20 years her junior.

We here at GCN salute Laura Vikmanis and her commitment to health and fitness, and for all you young girls out there, Laura Vikmanis is clearly a role model for all generations!



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