Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Investment Answer

The Investment Answer, When an author speaks of a period, it is generally not intended to be taken literally. But “The Answer”investissement” was born as a response to a diagnosis co-author Gordon Murray with a brain tumor.

Six months ago, Murray was diagnosed with glioblastoma AA – the same type of tumor that ultimately took the life of Ted Kennedy. Murray had already been there, and I knew the number that the treatment might take.

“We must go through an initial period of sadness, but you realize,” Okay, I can not do something, so let’s just make the most of what we have, “said Murray.” I could have a high quality of six months, or I could take the risk with chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and all those other drugs they throw you, but it might actually make things worse. ”

Murray decided to forgo treatment, and time becomes a precious commodity not to be wasted. As he began calling friends and relatives to tell them the news, a friend had an idea about how Murray would spend his last months.

The book is a practical guide to investing for retirement, a subject Murray knows a thing or two about. For 25 years he was one of these “Masters of the Universe” on Wall Street, the huge institutional investment management at Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers and Credit Suisse First Boston.

One of the main objectives of the book is to demystify the investment, the return from the Whiz Kids on Wall Street. The book is its investment offering of atonement, if not for his sins, so maybe for the sins of the street.

Mr. Murray: I was surprised how useful it was to help others, and I really had a great joy of it. I have; in fact, I tell my children now, if you start to feel sorry for you, just do something for someone else.

SIEGEL: And that’s what Gordon Murray did. After a distinguished career on Wall Street, he began to educate people on Main Street. And in the last year of his life, he and his financial adviser Dan Goldie self-published a slim book smart investment advisory called The Answer”investment. “He made five points about how ordinary investors can avoid some common pitfalls. Thanks to coverage in The New York Times, the story of Gordon Murray is out, and the book got a publisher.

Mr. Murray: One of the best things to have one of these malignant glioblastomas, is that you get some time to get closure, to plan and spend as much quality time with your family and friends.

SIEGEL: Gordon Murray is survived by his wife and two son, and his book, “The Answer”investment.”




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