1. Once it becomes kinetic energy, there is no concept of time, I measure only. There is only chaos around, and there is hardly a measure of that. The entire show is like closing a number of long, perpetually frenetic and inflexible.
The track time here feels similar to keep track of time in the darkest corner of the space (we have not been to, FYI). Therefore, by nature, the timestamps below will not make sense. They all start with an arbitrary “0:28″, even if the show will actually begin at 9:13 p.m. ET will end at 10:44 p.m. The concert may well be the most perfect example of exploitation of existentialism of all time.
The strobe lights are in progress, big balloons full of confetti are struck up, children are convulsing, “Girl Talk”ressemble to lightning could be drawn from his ears at any moment – it’s pretty bananas. After a time, it is difficult not to appreciate what it is, it does (and what it is, he allows his fans to do).
It’s just hard to choose from a guy who works as hard as he or a group of people, odious as they certainly could be, are only intended to have a good time. It’s not always cool what happens here, but it’s still impressive.
Hey, do not forget Lil ‘Jon? That is played today. This is the song where he screams again and again, “Do not start no sht, it will not be no sht.” That, like incorrect grammar as it is, is really apiece airtight advice. Was he a genius?
In the evening the crowd, as expected, is mostly white and mostly young. The only thing that seems most pressing at present is the dress. Many people here are dressed like they are either about to play in a game really ironic basketball or have decided to go jogging, immediately after the show and we try not to get hit by a car.
It is unclear whether or not they are dressed like that because they actually think is cool (not) or because they are incongruous (it kind of is, but not in this context, where it is probably not the right.
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