Saturday, April 9, 2011

The War of the Worlds

The War of the Worlds

This movie demonstrates the awesomeness of alien creatures like never before. Spielberg fused old-style movie monsters with the latest special effects to give you a visually spectacular version of the War of the Worlds. While this movie was breathtaking in the beginning and middle, it’s ending left a lot to be desired, unlike the TOP T.E.N we have chosen for 2005’s Best T.E.N!

1 - Sin City

This movie was as bold as it was daring. Shot entirely behind a green screen, all the movies characters worked very well together to deliver some of the most dramatic, incredible scenes. Watching this movie brought back that comic book feeling that you used to have when you brought your characters to life in your head.

2 - Batman Begins

DC has come back with a vengeance not seen since Richard Pryor stole all those pennies in Superman III. Batman begins the battle anew between Marvel and DC for superhero supremacy. The battle lines are drawn in film as they were in the comic books, with Marvel going for flash and action, while DC opting for more depth and struggle. Bruce Wayne is superbly played by Christian Bale who knows how to play dark (see The Machinist). Although I feel that Katie Holmes actually detracted from the movie, you get a sense that big things are in store for our caped crusader.

3 - Wedding Crashers

This is the movie that for the rest of the year, all other comedies tried to compare itself to. I loved Vince Vaugn who, as a character role, has had a hit or miss kind of career. He does it this time as he pairs up with Owen Wilson to deliver a performance reminiscent of Swingers (the all-time sensitive guy movie). Christopher Walken was also a great addition to the cast, as the stodgy old father. A definite must see.

4 - King Kong

How good is a movie where the title character only shows up an hour in and all the other characters are one dimensional? Under Peter Jackson, the master of all things fantasy, this movie was simply incredible.

5 – Serenity

Science fiction is all about new worlds, and new ideas. Here is a movie that fused some of the old west frontier town with space ships and kung-fu. May sound crazy but it all works well together. The main characters are simply a bunch of smugglers that are being chased by a government special assassin, since one of their former stowaway’s may have top secret information locked in her brain. Given the success of the movie after the cancelled television series, comparison to Star Trek was inevitable. We hope this one becomes a new franchise ourselves.

6 - Skeleton Key

Can’t have a movie nowadays made in New Orleans without their being some voodoo. Seems like most of the people down there either practise it, or stay away from it from the simple fact that they believe in it. Do you believe?

7 - Saw 2

Very difficult to best the original movie for this type of film. Most of the suspense came from the not knowing and never having seen events like what transpired in the first movie. This latest edition weaves a slightly more intricate tale that involve a father and son with an ending that is sure to keep you talking after the movie has ended.

8 - Million Dollar Baby

Hillary Swank surrounded by 2 much older men. Not my idea of exiting. But this movie does a great job in getting emotion out of the audience. You feel determined as she was to become something, as angry as she should have been toward her family, and the fondness she felt for her old trainer. This movie is packed full of emotion, it’s what a movie should be.

9 - Hotel Rwanda

This is a story that needed to be told. A tragedy so terrible that it’s message needed to came out so as to help prevent those events from ever happening again. We look at those people, all of us black or white, as simple Africans living in the dirt. This movie made them human, made us weep and suffer with them for their plight.

10 - Crash

This movie was not just one of the best of 2005, but one of the all-time classic movies of its time. Taking a European slant with slowing weaving different stories and characters until they came together a various points near the end, every scene, every segment is worth watching, worth commenting on. Every action, no matter how insignificant, has a bearing on some future event. This movie should be part of any collection you have, or is the reason to start one.



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