Tuesday, April 26, 2011


The Birds is a 1963 horror movie directed by Alfred Hitchcock based on the 1952 short story,” The Birds” by Daphne du Maurier. It give a picture ofs Bodega Bay, California which is, suddenly and for mysterious reasons, the subject of a series of widespread and violent bird attacks over the course of a few days.

Evan Hunter wrote the screenplay of the film. Though Hunter read Du Maurier's original novel, Hitchcock told him to forget it as all he wished was to use was the title and the idea of birds attacking people.

Plot of the Story:

Melanie Daniels (Tippi Hedren) is a young wealthy socialite who meets a lawyer, Mitch Brenner (Rod Taylor), in a San Francisco pet shop. He, looking to buy a pair of lovebirds for his sister's eleventh birthday, imagines to mistake her for a seller, which irritates her and leads her to inquire as to the reason for his behavior. He mentions a previous come across that he had with her. Schemed by him, she finds the address of his home in Bodega Bay, California. She buys a pair of lovebirds and drives to his house by sneaking across the small harbor in a motor boat, leaving the birds and a note. As she is heading back across the bay, a seagull swoops down and makes a cut on her head.

Over the next few days, the birds  attacks continue, as Melanie's relationship with Mitch, his clinging mother, Lydia (Jessica Tandy), his younger sister, Cathy (Veronica Cartwright), and Cathy's teacher (who is also Mitch's ex-lover) Annie Hayworth (Suzanne Pleshette) develops. The second strange bird attack occurs when Melanie stays for the night at the Hayworths' house and a gull kills itself upon hitting the front door. The next attack takes place at Cathy's birthday party. Avian violence go sky-highs when Lydia discovers a friend dead in his bedroom.

After another attack by crows at the school, an argument explodes at the local bar. One resident believes the attacks are a sign of the Judgment Day, but an out-of-towner yells at them for scaring her children. An old woman (Ethel Griffies) who is an amateur ornithologist insists that calling birds' behavior attacks is an hyperbole, and no bird species flocks and attacks. Despite her words, a motorist is attacked while filling his car with gasoline; he is knocked insensible, and the gasoline continues to pump out onto the street. A man, ignorant he is standing in the puddle, lights a cigar and drops the match on the ground. An explosion and fire result, and more deaths occur when there is another attack. While hiding inside the bar, the hysterical, out-of-towner mother believes Melanie is the cause of these attacks. After this attack subsides, Melanie and Mitch find Annie dead on her front porch and Cathy crying at the window.

Melanie and Mitch's family went to  the Brenners' house, boarding up the windows. Birds attacked the house and they almost manage to break through the doors. In the evening, when everyone else is asleep, Melanie hears noises from the upper floor and finds that the birds have broken into  through the roof. They attack her, sealing her in the room until Mitch comes to her help. He and Lydia tend to her, but determine she must get to the hospital. A sea of landed birds waves menacingly around them as they leave the house but do not attack, aside from a few pecks. The radio reports several smaller bird attacks in nearby towns. Mitch drives the car slowly towards the road before picking up speed. The film concludes with it driving down the coast road and out of sight, as thousands of birds watch.



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