Monday, January 10, 2011

Terry McMillan


LAS CRUCES - State Rep. Terry McMillan might well be the first surgeon to join the ranks of the New Mexico House of Representatives.

If not the first-ever, McMillan, a Las Cruces Republican, said he's at least one of a very small number.

McMillan, 54, sworn into office Thursday, is a figure to watch in the coming year. Thanks to an upset win in November against Democratic incumbent state Rep. Jeff Steinborn, McMillan takes over the District 37 House seat, a district that covers much of eastern Las Cruces.

McMillan and another new lawmaker, District 53 Rep. Ricky Little of Chaparral, once again give Republicans some representation within Do-a Ana County's legislative delegation. Previously, all of the county's seven House seats were held by Democrats. All but one of the county's five Senate seats belong to Democrats.

McMillan, said he believes he won the election because voters in the district are experiencing similar frustration as those in other parts the country: They feel politicians from both parties are out-of-touch with average people. McMillan said his victory wasn't so much an endorsement of Republican Party as it was "an endorsement that the electorate wants to be listened to."

"And I think that they honestly feel that legislators are not being honest with them," he said.

McMillan acknowledged that the budget is a big challenge facing lawmakers in the upcoming legislative session. He said he'll work toward goals stated in his campaign, namely not raising

taxes and looking for ways to cut government excess. Improving the public education system, reforming Medicaid and addressing problems with undocumented immigration are other priorities he's outlined in his legislative agenda.

McMillan, a native New Mexican, said he already has attended an orientation for freshman lawmakers, helpful in understanding the inner workings of the Legislature. He's made plans to temporarily shut-down his surgeon practice for the upcoming 60-day legislative session, shifting urgent cases to another physician who's part of the same practice.

McMillan on his website acknowledges that he's a recovering alcoholic and has seen 17 years of sobriety. He said "honesty, transparency and acceptance of personal responsibility," traits that have helped him beat alcoholism, are characteristics he'll take to the Legislature.

District 37 was one of a number of seats that Republicans gained in the House, shrinking the clout of the Democratic majority.

McMillan said his aim is to stay attuned to the voters.

"My goal will be to be an advocate for my constituents," he said. "I'm not going to be hyper-partisan; I plan to listen to my constituents."

McMillan may be reached via e-mail at



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